audience testimonies:
London 2013
to Rebecca: 'I honestly didn’t think I would enjoy a show about someone’s sisters murder as much as I did. It was funny, touching and beautifully written. The two words that I kept thinking to describe it were “beautiful” and “lyrical.” There were times where it was almost like you were singing. It was lovely. The changes in tone, pace and rhythm are all very well done and the movements and blocking all add to keep it exciting and interesting. Having worked with you and seen you play characters that are a bit, well – weird and crazy - it was lovely to see you in this context. You were warm, simple, open, beautiful.' [Jason Eddy]
tour 2011 :
'The play reminded me how important it is not to be quiet, but to speak out' [Lynda]
'Very powerful and emotive. Best thing I've seen in years. Really made me think and also a bit teary.'
[an usher at the Octagon, Bolton]
'Very touching, well performed, great show. This time last week I didn't know where my brother was, he flew back from Japan last night.' [18.03.2011, Octagon, Bolton]
'I was very moved by the show and agree that it makes you want
to make more of life.'
'I share the opinion that death should be talked about. The show is very brave and moving and extremely genuine.'
'My daughter works for charity in South Africa. Compliments, extremely well done!'
'I found it really quite interesting how it was just a story which is being told. It felt more personal because it wasn't really "theatrical". It was interesting that it wasn't flagrantly emotive. Because of that, I felt I was able to relate to parts of it.'
'Very inspiring story; its the untold story of journalism: the absence of glamour.' [Eunice]
'Nice view and very different, especilly about death and taboo.'
'Just would like to thank for the opportunity for seeing this emotional show and having a different perspective of seeing peope and feelings after that.'
'It was an amazing performance, and I enjoyed it. It is a different light on communication. The world needs a door that is open and a gateway to reality, because if it is already open it is easier to walk through and except life.' [Leah]
'Well one thing the play did was remind me of a Somali woman I taught (2008) who failed to turn up to class for an exam, and it turned out her husband, whom the government would not let come to the UK, had been murdered.' [Peter]
'Brings back very personal memories and makes one realise how many things there were to actually laugh at, too - at the time - had one been in a slightly different mind-set.'
'I think it was very well produced, and enacted to the audience. I can relate to some
parts of it. I woud recommend it to other people.'
'I thought it was a moving piece and the actress was very good.'
'My son has recently qualified as an international journalist and I'll share Kate's experience of being 'forced' to go to Somalia against her better judgment. It's important to tell this story!'
Brilliant, brilliant. An amazing play. I was bowled over by the whole thing.
Hats off to you, Rebecca and Martin for creating a truly outstanding piece - fantastically put together, direct, funny, heartbreaking and completely riveting. Rebecca, you talked to us so naturally, freely and honestly that it was often easy to forget we were in a theatre - I loved that it felt like we were just with you in a room, and you were talking to us like mates. But I can imagine how much hard work you have done to achieve that easiness. And it seemed so true to you. We saw you completely, there was no hiding behind anything – your strength, courage and skill were spellbinding. [Scott, by email]
'A fascinating theatrical walk between performance and 'reality' (whatever 'reality' is – as Prince Charles would say).'
I loved how such clear pictures were painted with words.
Very thought provoking performance. Thank you.
I work in post-colonialism and think it is a very interesting show.
My daughter saw the show in London and told me to come. Intensely moving – I have never sat in a play and been totally absorbed before. Thank you for sharing these precious, powerful and occasionally harrowing emotions with us. [A gentleman is in his mid-eighties]
I liked the honesty. By the time you get into your 70s much death has involved you. Each different. Different again is harder. Thank you for opening our minds to it.
The show triggered thoughts: That death cannot be stopped, that life goes on, that people are beautiful, that death is still, to me, not complete darkness. That people are stronger than you might take them for.
Brutally honest – the poignancy shone through – a glowing performance – loved it! A gem of a tribute to a loved one.
Thank you.
Thought provoking. Well worth my time.
It triggered the value of relationships & being open and honest in one's feelings.
I am a journalist. Thank you for keeping us informed of those who are so brave.
Very interesting. Uncomfortable at times. Captivating. Up-lifting.
It was an amazing performance, and I enjoyed it. It is a different light on taboos. The world needs a door that is open and a gateway to reality, because if it is already open it is easier to walk through and except life.
Wonderful. Congratulations to the actress and the director!
It's a more personal perspective of risk with my chosen future profession. I found it really quite interesting how it was just a story which is being told. It felt more personal because it wasn't really theatrical. It was interesting that it wasn't flagrantly emotive. Because of that, I felt I was able to relate to parts of it.
Very well performed, incredibly personal story telling. and the drinks and chats afterwards added to the evening's experience. I look forward to other shows of Vital Digression!
Great to have this shared. A friend whose sister was murdered by Fred West speaks of the corrosive impact of the “frozen silence” - so wonderful to melt it; thanks Rebecca & Martin.
I thought the show was riveting. My attention never wandered, as Rebecca held the audience with her expressions, pauses and actions. “People are amazing” and Rebecca certainly is!
Would love to see more of this sort of play in Guernsey. Thank you! [ Jan Trestain, by email]
The show was incredibly touching. I find death a difficult subject & found the openness, honesty & humour incredibly enlightening. Rebecca was mesmerising.
Fantastic show! I was left wanting more. A very clever, well placed collection of personal memories. It was a 'take' on a difficult subject that will stay with me for the future. Thank you.
Amazing, so engaging. I don't usually watch 1 person shows but Rebecca was just amazing, so engaging and emotional.
It was nice to remember how you felt afterwards... when you usually want to forget.
Beautiful performance. Invisible technique in place. Extremely poignant.
A very genuine, interesting, touching story that really hit home and opened my mind to the experience of death and how beautifully it can be depicted.
Amazing stamina! Personal narrative yet universal. Interesting technique of slowing down to show impact of emotions & change in focus – not seen in theatre before. Lots of background information, set well in context (world and work) and in family feelings. (Death should be talked about).
Very moving and absorbing and thought provoking. I would recommend it and go to something similar in the future.
It raised lots of uncomfortable questions (also for the BBC), and was powerful because of the intimacy of having a single person on stage talking about such life-changing events. Thank you.
I'm glad that by the end it came full circle & made me think about & raise my awareness of the dangers & pressures put on, or taken on, by media workers. In this way it made a comment on the work and the pressures of the work place, the media & the public's thirst for news & the dangers they can face.
Absolutely superb – very, very, very moving, thank you!
It was very interesting. At first I didn't want to go but mum of course didn't tell me until we were in the bar. I complained about going to the 'theatre' (yawn, boring), but today I'll walk out feeling inspired and interesting and like always then I'll feel guilty about moaning about it in the car. But this was very interesting. I've never had to experience death in my family, anything that depressing. Yeah, I've read the books, seen the films, but I've never really met someone who can talk about, a real person. Every other real person hushes up, to not upset themselfes or anyone else. So, seeing Rebecca, so confidently, so strongly talking about this, has really shown me that you can get through something like this. She's a real inspiration. The effects she used when presenting herself, the breaks, the pauses, the short freeze-frames, give so much tension and need to find out more. It was a great performance! I have really enjoyed my evening. And speaking to Rebecca and Martin really finished off the performance and finished off the evening. Thank you! [Rhian, 13 years]
Very relevant as I take an interest in foreign affairs. I am a great admirer of Jeremy Bowen and Orla Guerin.
Very interesting tackling taboo issues. very good execution of the story. Ibsenesque!
What a wonderful, tender piece. The emotion was so raw and the little details really spoke to me. I think the time after a tragedy is often coupled with a deep love and appreciation – even realisation, of the good things in the world. It’s a contrast often overlooked and the play captured it perfectly. [Michael, usher at the Carriageworks]
I think the whole thing was so well judged - it could easily have been cloying and uncomfortable for the audience; instead it was brave, funny, questioning and both unreal and very real. All so believable even in the appalling 'randomness' of the act
.I enjoyed meeting you and your director Martin and shall look forward to seeing your future collaborations.
There was an extraordinary human communication between Rebecca Peyton and the audience & a very strong sense of living some universal truths from a very personal & intimate sharing. It was wonderful & very moving – thank you.
The most powerful piece of theatre I've ever seen. A very helpful way of looking at loss. Such honesty. Thank you.
My wife having lost her own sister 32 years ago was extremely moved and it has, I hope, helped her to review and deal with some very painful emotions and ?????????
Very inspiring & human: we agree you do need to talk about life's experiences both good and bad.
Enjoyed frankness & humour – also how not to feel guilty for laughing when grieving.
Thank you for a lovely performance last evening in Guernsey. It was moving and poignant and full of sisterly and motherly humour. You must find it difficult not to be more direct when attacking the threats and bureaucracy you have come up against. The more you perform, the more people will be aware of the manipulation by governments and large corporations.
Thank you again and good luck to you in the future. It certainly opened my eyes about the dangers and pressures foreign correspondents face both in the field and back home ! Kind regards [Bob, by email]
Very thought provoking – very different to anything I've ever seen before.
We have lived in Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya, Namibia and Zimbabwe while working for the Commonwealth. One of our friends was shot in the back in Aiden. He was on the ship with his wife to go back to England and while in Aiden he wanted to pop into the bank. His mistake was to wear his uniform and, like Rebecca's sister, it was not him who was killed but what he represented. So he got shot in the back while his wife was waiting for him on the ship. And I want to say it's probably the best theatre show I've seen in my life – I'm in my nineties.
I thought the play was fantastic and I am very impressed with the performance. I wish more people would see it! Hope you will carry on performing it as I think it will 'speak' to a lot of people.
The show touched many nerves for me because I had a daughter who was stillborn. [Alice, by email]
I was engrossed by the story. It finished too quickly.
previous performances:
'L'histoire - Son histoire - que nous raconte Rebecca, je l'ai vécu comme une révélation d'une part de moi-même, cette part qui, trop souvent, se cache au plus profond de moi et devient taboueé…
J'ai ressenti le spectacle comme une longue respiration de vie et sa fin comme une seule expiration de toutes mes émotions ressenties…
Et je me demande: pourquoi l'Homme apprend (j'apprends) à enfouir en lui (en moi) ce qui le (me) touche le plus, génère ainsi révoltes et malaises, alors qu'accepter et partager avec humilité ce qui il est (je suis) lui (me) permettrait de vivre dans la paix et en Amour…' [Jean Siegenthaler, Chapelle]
'I wanted to comment on the exceptional performance by Rebecca Peyton last night at "Theâtre Pull Off". It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The performance deserved a large audience. Should 'Sometimes I Laugh Like My Sister' return to Lausanne I would like to recruit other friends to join in the audience.' [Robert Driscoll, Lausanne]
'Étonnant et surprenant!' [Camille Peyrollaz, Lausanne]
'A story about life and death - A strong and touching performance ...
... one minute you will find yourself deeply moved and fighting back the tears .... the next moment you will be made to laugh about the funny side of life.... Don't miss "Sometimes I laugh like my sister"!
Rebecca Peyton, the women sharing her private stories, thoughts and feelings about the most devastating and difficult time of her life, caused by the brutal murder of her beloved sister Kate.
Rebecca Peyton, the actress ... A unique artistic challenge, an emotional balancing act on stage which could easily fail but, in this case, is a brilliant success!
"Sometimes I laugh like my sister"
I went to see this play without knowing what to expect, in fact, with no expectations at all. I came out of the theatre sure of the fact that this had been one of the most exciting, touching and gripping performances I have ever experienced. Not for a second of the 1.5 hour "one women show" does Rebecca Peyton lose the attention of her audience. This is not just a play - it is furthermore an important message to us all! I can only strongly recommend you to see, hear and feel for yourself...'
[Jeanne Gerber, Locarno]
'RESPECT - This is the main feeling exiting the theatre. Mixed emotions during and after the show.
Laughter, tears, heart-breaking and heart-warming situations are masterfully explained and interpreted by Rebecca. Sometimes one forgets that Rebecca is/was actually Kate's sister, this should explain her acting talent! The storyboard is very equilibrated, intercalating funny and tragic situations in a very clever way. The story itself is very important and profound, should not be missed nor forgotten.
My best compliments to Rebecca and Martin for their work. And once again: RESPECT.' [Jill (33) – Locarno, Switzerland]
'As I told you that evening, it brought back many memories of my witnessing the murder of a friend. That was quite shocking to me as I NEVER thought I would be thinking of my friend Dennis while Rebecca was thinking of Kate. But it did make me realize how many victims there are due to such violence and that truly kind and innocent people's lives a snuffed out way too early. It is so easy for us to read these kind of stories in the paper every day but we seldom think about who these victims were as human beings. It is too easy to forget and much more difficult to remember them in our daily routines but we need to remember them, that's what I would want if it were to happen to me.
I also was surprised that after 1 hour and 40 minutes or so I had been captivated the entire time, did not find it boring (as some one person shows can be) nor too long.
Somehow, it seems more difficult for me to put into words what I felt that night....'
[Leslie S. Guggiari, Dean of the Center for Intercultural Engagement and Learning Opportunities (CIELO) Franklin College, Lugano, Switzerland]
'I liked the fact that the way it was done is like a friend of yours tells her story to you, her fears, her dreams, her memories. It was almost like having a great conversation with a long lost friend. It all sounded so familiar. Having been out there in pretty much the same circumstances as 'the murdered' sister. It brought it so close. The playwill always stay with me somehow - it left an unforgettable impression.'
[ Alexandra Westerbeek, Communication Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)]
'Mein leichtes Bangen zum schwierigen Thema Tod und Trauer, Leitmotiv des Stücks, wurde sofort aufgelöst durch Rebeccas Natürlichkeit in Tonfall und Gestik, in wohltuendem Einklang mit der schlichtgehaltenen Bühne. Fast im Plauderton ging sie das Stück an, durch gut gesetzte Pausen wunderbare Oasen bildend. Sanft ging sie tiefer, wurde intimer in ihrer Erzählung über eigene Gefühle und Erinnerungen zum tragischen Verlust ihrer Schwester Kate. Wo eben noch so persönlich fein in Details, by the way mit herrlichem englischen Humor gespickt, der einem sogar ein leises Lachen entriss, so plötzlich distanziert wurden ihre Schilderungen. Durch diese gekonnt eingebauten Kontraste, die raffinierte Regie durch Martin Bartelt, lässt Rebecca das Publikum ohne Weinerlichkeit und peinliches Drama teil haben an ihrer Trauer und dessen Verarbeitung. Grosser Applaus dankte ihr für diese Authentizität, und es erstaunte mich nicht zu sehen, wie vereinzelte Zuschauer nach der Vorstellung Schauspielerin und Regisseur aufsuchten, um über eigene traumatische und persönliche Erfahrungen zu erzählen. Ich selber fühlte mich ein Stück reicher und voller, thank you Martin and Rebecca.' [Maya Gugolz, Lugano]
'Un superbe voyage! Le fil rouge est le deuil d'une soeur aimée mais dans ce voyage, on rit, on s'émerveille, on pleure, on est mélancolique, on s'interroge, on se révolte, bref on y fait tout!
C'est un voyage complet. Rebecca Payton nous y emmène, avec tendresse et courage et surtout
BEAUCOUP D'HUMOUR british! On la suit partout. C'est aussi la rencontre tragique de la géopolitique et d'une famille anglaise.
Les différents personnages foisonnent comme les points de vue! A travers cette expérience de deuil
personnel, Rebecca Peyton nous touche de manière universelle. Ce n'est, de loin, pas donné à tout
le monde. Et elle fait preuve d'un alliage rare: une présence magnifique faite de force et de fragilité.
C'est pour des oeuvres pareilles que je vais au théâtre ou au cinéma!' [Gregory Lukac, Berne]
'Lieber Martin, Dear Rebecca, ich Danke Euch für dieses Bühnen Stück -es hat mich sehr berührt- enthält es doch sehr eindrückliche Metaphern, die persönlich berühren und kollektiv viele Menschen betreffen. So hat mich persönlich besonders das Bild 'der Glaswand' zwischen einem neuen Leben und einem alten Leben angesprochen. Es hilft, mir einen kurzen Seitenblick/Rückblick zu erlauben, wenn ich mich auf der anderen Seite einer 'Glaswand' wiederfinde. So kann ich mit den Verwirrungen klarer umgehen und mich immer wieder bewusst für das NEUE Leben entscheiden und dieses bewusster leben! Kollektiv erlebe ich zurzeit viele Menschen in Veränderungen und werde mit dieser Metapher auch mit meinem Coaching Kundinnen spielen.
Auch haben mir die subtilen 'Menschlichkeiten' gefallen und mich oft zum inneren Schmunzeln gebracht - z.B. das grüne Kleid und der 'Anstand'...
Die Wärme und Tiefe von Rebeccas Stimme hat mich sehr berührt.
Ihre Authentizizät und das Anklingen einer tieferen Wahrheit macht das Stück zu einem echten Erlebnis. Eine so persönliche Geschichte so professionell auf die Bühne zu bringen verdient Respekt!'[ Anke Gottschalk, Human Motion, Kommunikation und Coaching, Zürich]
'Wer Bartelts Inszenierungen kennt erkennt unverkennbar seine Handschrift und in Rebecca Peyton hat er eine ebenbürtige Partnerin gefunden. Das Stück ist zu tiefst berührend und von einer erstaunlichen Allgemeingültigkeit. Schnulzige Gefühle werden den Zuschauenden erspart, aber die Emotion echter Gefühle lauert unter der Oberfläche und hat einen schneller im Griff, als man sich bewusst ist.' [C.Tirelli, Lugano]
previous performances
Cape Town 2016 |
Cape Town Fringe Festival
23rd, 24th and 25th of September 2016
London 2015 |
Tristan Bates Theatre
Mon 16 Feb, 7pm; Tue 17 - Thu 19 Feb, 7.30pm. |
South Africa Tour 2013 |
22. - 26. January, 8.15pm, The Arene
Artscape Theatre, Cape Town / 021 410 9838 |
9.-16. February, 7.30pm, The Theatre Arts Admin Collective, Cape Town
Methodist Church Hall, Corner Milton Road & Wesley Street, Observatory
on facebook/ 021 447 36 83
14th, extra performance for AFDA students at 2:30pm
our after show Q&A hosts are:
10th February – Reverend Alan Storey, Board member of the Right 2 Know campaign
11th February – Shirley Gunn, Director of the Human Rights Media Centre
12th February - Caroline Calburn, Director of the Theatre Arts Admin Collective
13th February – Tracey Saunders, writer and journalist
15th February – Africa Melane, radio moderator CapeTalk
16th February - Jacqueline Dommisse, theatre creator |
18. March, 8:15pm, Studio 41, 41 Glynn St, Cape Town, - 082 55 66 808 |
4.-7. April, POP Art Performing Arts Centre
4.-6. at 8pm, Sunday the 7th at 3:30pm
Ground floor of the Main Street Life building at 286 Fox Street, Johannesburg
our after show Q&A hosts are:
4th - Chris Thurmann, 5th - Tom Swart; 6th - Renos Nicos Spanoudes
7th - Hayleight Evans |
8. April, 12.15pm in The Nunnery at the University of the Witwatersrand

our after show Q&A host is Warren Nebe |
11. April, 12am, Hilton College, KZN School's Festival
lecture: 'changing the world one story at a time' on the 12. April |
Saturday, 22nd of September 2012 - Samaritan's Annual National Conference, York
London run - spring 2012:
Except for Extra Performances on
Tuesday, 24 January 2012 at 3.00pm
Wednesday, 25 January 2012 at 9.30pm
Tickets £13, £11 concessions
Sundays and Monday, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23 January 2012 | 7.30pm
Finborough Theatre | 118 Finborough Road, London, SW10 9ED
Autumn 2011:
spring tour 2011, 70 min version:
18.March | Octagon Theatre, Bolton
| 7.30pm
Howell Croft South | Bolton BL1 1SB
£8, £6 concs | | 01204 520661 |
24.-25.March | Carriageworks, Leeds
| 7.45pm
3 Millennium Square | Leeds LS2 3AD
£9, £7 concs | | 0113 2243801 |
7.April | Richmond University, Kingston | 6.30pm
followed by a Q&A |
8.April | Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton
| 8pm
Wulfruna Street | Wolverhampton WV1 1SE
£8, £6 concs | | 01902 321321
12.-13.April | Northern Stage, Newcastle |
Barras Bridge | Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RH
£8.50, £6.50 concs | | 0191 2305151
18.-19.April | Burton Taylor Studio am Oxford Playhouse
| 7.30pm
11-12 Beaumont St | Oxford OX1 2LW
£10, £8 concs | | 01865 305305
23.April | Granary Theatre,
Wells-next-the-sea | 7.30pm
Staithe Street | Wells-next-the-sea | Norfolk NR23 1NE
£8, £7 friends | | 01328 710193
28.April | Drill Hall, Lincoln
| 8.30pm
Freeschool Lane | Lincoln LN2 1EY
£7 | | 01522 873894
30.April | Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds
Westgate Street | Bury St Edmunds | Suffolk IP33 1QR
£8.50 - £21.00 | | 01284 769505
There will be an after-show discussion and Q&A with Rebecca Peyton and
Chris Addison. |
4.May | Met Theatre, Bury
| 7.30pm
Market Street | Bury BL9 0BW
£10, £6 concessions | | 0161 7612216 |
5. | Chipping Norton Theatre
| 7.45pm
2 Spring Street | Chipping Norton | Oxfordshire OX7 5NL
£12, £10 concessions | | 01608 642350 |
14. | Old Town Hall Theatre, Hemel Hempstead | 8pm
High Street | Hemel Hempstead | Herts HP1 3AE | 01442 228091 |
17.-21. | The Brewery in derTobacco Factory Theatre, Bristol
| 8.15pm
291 North Street | Southville | Bristol BS3 1JP
£9, £7 concs | | 0117 9020344 |
23. | The Burrell Theatre, Truro
| 7.30pm
Trennick Lane | Truro | Cornwall TR1 1TH | 01726 879500 |
supported by:

invited to:
Edinburgh 2011:
4. - 30. August 2010 | Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Pleasance Hut
supported by:
previews of the 55 min Edinburgh version of the play:
the first version of 90 min:
29./30. March 2010 | Lugano/CH | The American College of Lugano
Franklin College
17. December 2009 | Genève/Switzerland | La Comédie
14. December 2009 | Lausanne, CH | Théâtre Pull Off
12./13. December 2009 | Chapelle/Glâne, CH | L'Espace
10./11. December 2009 | Locarno, CH | Teatro Paravento
supported by:
