Angela Peyton Charles Peyton Kirstie Rushmer Jeremy Stockwell Thora Karitas Chris Addison Kate Harvey David le Feuvre Jacques Morard Jean Siegenthaler Zee & Andy Lanoe Pippa & Niall McCathie Joseph & Martine of Joseph of Switzerland, St Peter Port, Guernsey Christine Bacon Nim Johnson Anne Luyet Robin Ince Simona Canonica Estheranna Stäuble Michele Engeler La Comédie, Geneva TASI - Teatri Associati della Svizzera Italiana Maureen & Pauline Taylor
Lucy Armitage Graham Atkins
Janine Ramel Claude Grin
Terry Glover Caroline Anderson Toby McCathie Jill Hurter Natalie Ball Will Young Ben Monks Tara Benson Will Lanoe & Milla Soderstom David Stimson Katie & Mark McBunyan Josie & David Hughes
We would like to specially thank for the support of our South Africa tour:
Mark Gooding
Ikeraam Lottering Hannah Pierce Catherine Mc Carthy Jabulani Floyd Mkhwanazi Nodi Murphy Tracey Saunders Jacques Morard Nicky Goldie Richard Smith Sebastian B.-Fischer Peta and Daniel Feigin Virgin Airlines Rachel Foote and Toby McCathie the te Riele of 9th Street Sheldon Bacos Bennie Smal